SMS Sent to 447786205094

I rarely examine my cellular phone’s monthly statement but two days ago was an exception and I found a PhP180+ worth of sms sent to a UK number, 447786205094.


I had noticed this before but brushed it off as some of those mobile verification text messages some websites like Yahoo!, GMail and Outlook would usually send. The frequency this time as indicated in the statement suddenly got me curious and it prodded me to look into my Messages app but no existing international sms seem to correspond with the dates the charges were made. When I did a Google search, I learned that all these sms sent to 447786205094 pertain to Facetime activation. I never really thought these popups cost that much.


It finally dawned on me how I incurred those charges. I do recall there was a period when I would often switch from one sim to the second (exactly why I bought a cheaper Android phone few months ago) and every time I insert a new sim, I would see that popup message and would then click OK.

This happens to other international mobile carriers as well and I have read some have asked for refunds. As for my case, I would be more careful to enable and disable Facetime each and every time I take out and replace my sim card.

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